Our Strategy

FISU Oceania’s strategic plan consists of key focus areas identified through member consultation and workshops.

The FISU Oceania strategic plan is a dynamic document that will drive operating workplans. In order to ensure that the plan remains relevant and adapts to the changing environment, the plan will be reviewed at least annually.

Progress against the plan and its strategic goals are reported to the FISU Oceania Executive Committee at each meeting and reported annually to our members and FISU.

Strategic Pillars



Demonstrate leadership in business operations whilst advocating for our members and ensuring that inclusion and diversity is at the forefront of what we do.



Provide support to, and build the capacity of our member federations.



Promote opportunities for participation and build value for our members.



Build relationships to strengthen the impact of university sport in the region.

Sustainable Development Goals

As part of the operating plan that underpins this strategic plan, FISU Oceania has aligned each strategic goal to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This alignment will ensure that our Federation actively contributes to the SDGs and contributes to sustainability in our region.

Download a copy of the FISU Oceania Strategic plan (v2022.1).